Run Wikia
Run Wikia


This is a category page that includes all pages that are stubs.

For the level guide pages, please edit them as detailed as possible.

Only remove them from this category page if the page has this standard:

  • Has a photo
  • All blanks (except Alternate Path, box, push box, progress, which are optional) of the infobox must be done
  • The links in the infobox must work perfectly
  • There is a gameplay guide, with at least a paragraph, or 50 words
  • The page is categorized as a level page
  • Has a preferred character guide, which is presented with this template

Suggested Character: [[Image:{{{1}}}Front.png|30px|link={{{1}}}]]

Example (With the preferred character as Runner and Lizard):

Suggested Characters: RunnerFront LizardFront

  • If there is a cutscene, side tunnel, or unlock characters and costumes, the page must have the template



Nucharacter This level is a major plot point!

This level is a major level in the game. After you finish the level, you may be able to access other characters, minigames, and tunnels. Most of them also include a cutscene.

  • If the level's difficulty is between the difficulty "Hard" and "Insanely hard" (included), the level page must have the template



ABreathOfFreshNothing This level is hard!

This level is rather difficult. It can challenge veteran players and most beginners cannot finish this level. Most players consider it to be a hard level. Even elite players may have trouble beating this in one attempt. Good luck, and don't try this in your home universe.

  • If the level's difficult is the ultimate difficulty of Hell, the level page must have the template



Thevoid This level is hell!

This level is extremely difficult! It can prove a huge challenge to even elite players. It is deemed almost impossible to not-so-skilled players. Play with caution, and may luck be with you.

  • If the level is in the poll, the page must have the template



Stilldent This level is available to be voted!

This level is one of the hardest levels in the game of Run 3. Therefore it is now one of the candidates to be voted as the hardest level. Come and vote if you want this level to remain in the poll!

  • The page must give out details about achievements if there are any in the level the page mentioned, and the template following is made on the top of the page, similar to the templates mentioned above



AchLevel You get an achievement!

This level has one or more achievements. The achievements are listed on the level infobox.

Most importantly: HELP THE MIRAHEZE WIKI! Despite what they say, Fandom is against user-experience and creativity, and are willing to shove ads in your face and remove entire wikis, even if they get only a tiny bit of money. You can help them out by:

-Reducing vandalism (as fun as it is, it gives fandom more moolah)

-Going to (helps us out in general)

-Using an adblocker (fandom has many, MANY ads)

Try to do your best to help us out on Miraheze, it is much better there!

All items (76)
