Run Wikia
Run Wikia

The Child is the son of the Duplicator. He is often seen with his father, yet also enjoys sneaking around alone to spy on others. He has adopted the Bunny as a pet.


The Child can be unlocked by beating the Low-Power Tunnel Levels, or he can be bought in the Shop for 2,000 power cells instead.

The Child's light weight, combined with his balloon, allows him to run on crumbling tiles without dislodging them. However, when he jumps, the sudden force is enough to knock them loose and have them fall into the void of space.

The Child has an average speed of 10m/s. He also has low maneuverability, which sometimes makes it difficult for him to move from side to side. While he won't encounter them in Explore mode, any conveyor tiles in Infinite mode will instantly move him to the side, and attempting to go out and in of the tunnel will make him even more difficult to control. He also has trouble with spiral levels.

The Child floats down slowly, so if he can get enough height, he can jump very far. Often you can tell where the child will land after the jump; when he reaches the peak of his jump, the place he will land is a small distance under his feet. His jumps are not normally very high, but if he jumps multiple times in a row, he gets a little more height with each jump. On the third jump, he will jump 10% higher and ~41% farther. This is because he is trying to imitate the Bunny. The Child is not good at jumping short distances. You have a lot of time to precisely land due to his slow speed and long jump length.


The Child has a rather fun and immature personality. He is described as a "light-weight youngster" in the game. He is also clever and sneaky and can be found hiding on the background in some of the cutscenes.

He only wants to do things that he wants to do, and he is a bit of a trickster, as it is shown that he mocks the Lizard's face when it falls asleep, and he fills his balloon with water so he can splash others with water. Despite this, he's good around the Duplicator, his dad. He also likes burning things, as shown when he found candy in the Low-Power Tunnel, he burned it just because he thought it tasted bad.

He only wants to do fun things like reading picture books (Not books without pictures), and jumping off ramps and boxes and floating back down. He also avoids things that are boring, such as school science. He seems to be quite scrappy, putting together his own costume, using his balloon to give himself an advantage in traversal, and even plans on trying to put together a rocket. The Angel describes him as the Sneak.



The Child likes the Runner, and doesn't think she is part of his father's conspiracy, and doesn't want her to be. He rarely spies on the Runner, and is willing to listen to the Runner, such as in Socratic Method.


The Child has a lot of fun with the Skater, as he is the youngest one here besides himself. He went out of his way to find a medal for the Skater after he went through the Winter Games. He doesn't seem to think much about him being involved in the conspiracy. They both are able to "cheat" in certain tunnels, and seem to both enjoy doing so. He has had a couple productive discussions with the Skater about diets, and in fact, burning the candy was the Skater's suggestion after the Child told him carbohydrates burn. He has spied on him twice, but only when the Student or Angel were around him.


The Child hates the Angel and really wants to kick him. When the Bunny was biting the Angel's antennae, according to himself he could have told the Bunny to stop, but didn't want to, and didn't until his father told him to.


The Child is fond of the Bunny and adopted it. If anyone calls it the Rabbit, the Child will hate them forever.


The Child is simply a much smaller version of the other characters, who carries around a green balloon.

The Ghost has a white balloon instead of a green one. He has a white sheet over himself for his Halloween costume.


The Child has one unlockable costume, a Halloween costume. The Child's Halloween costume is unlocked by beating the Low-Power Tunnel. Alternatively, it can be bought in the shop for 750 power cells, which also unlocks the other Halloween costume, the Runner's pumpkin costume. The Child's costume is meant to be a armmade ghost costume. When the Halloween costume is equipped, the Child wears a white sheet over nearly all of his body, except his feet, with one hole in it for his eye so he could see. His balloon is white as well.

The Ghost has ever so slightly faster fall speed. At the moment, this seems to only be present in the HTML5 version, and the Ghost will later be differentiated further from the Child. The faster descent speed may help with overshooting gaps.



Ability rating
Jump length
Jump height
Special ability

Ability rating
Jump length
Jump height
Special ability


Wind Sailor - Go 10 seconds without touching the ground.

Follow the Gray Brick Road - Use the Child to beat Level M-4 in only one jump.

Memory Test - Don't jump in part 5 of the Low-Power Tunnel.

Planning Makes Perfect - Finish part 4 of the River without jumping and without using any tunnel-powered abilities.

Three Spooky Jumps - As the Child, beat part 1 of the Low-Power Tunnel in only three jumps.


The Child appears in 30 of the 66 cutscenes (66 is the total number of cutscenes if including all of the hidden, Upcoming and optional ones). Here is a full list of his appearances throughout the story.

Note: An asterisk (*) Or 2 (**) after the name means the Child and his dad is hiding in the background of the cutscene.

The Ghost (Child's Halloween Costume), appears in 1 of 65 cutscenes. Here is his appearance in the story.

Infinite Mode Trivia[]

  • The Child's Philosophy: books are boring and stupid unless they have pictures, then they're fun!
  • Jump lots of times in a row to be like the Bunny!
  • The Child asked the Student why the gray squares sometimes fall but she went on and talked about Re Action Force and never answered his question.
  • The candy tasted bad but it burned ok. The Child likes watching things burn.
  • The Child says thank you to whoever left water bottles in all the boxes. He needed water to fill his balloons with.
  • Sometimes he leaves his balloon behind and hides. The adults never notice because he's so clever.
  • The Child loves jumping off of ramps and boxes and floating down.

Other Trivia[]

  • In the cutscene Conspiracy, it is shown that the Child can't pronounce 'conspiracy' properly. He says 'conpiracy' in frame two of the cutscene, and then 'conspirspacy' in frame thirteen, implying that he is quite young. This happens again in the cutscene Sneaking. In frame eight of the cutscene, he says 'Conspircy'.
  • It is shown that the Child has treats with him, and he gives one to the Bunny in Boat Ride. The treats probably came from a box.
  • In the game's coding, there is a scrapped costume for the Child, called the Ninja.
  • The Child was given various names related to hiding, sneaking around, and being a shut-in. None of them stuck.
  • The Child is in an upcoming cutscene with the Skater, Playing With Fire, but the transcript of the cutscene can be found in Playing With Fire/Transcript.
  • The Child used to cost 7000 power cells, but now he only cost 2000 power cells.
  • As of January, he is the first character to get an official 3D model publicly.
    • It was clarified a stream later that it was only a practice model, and better ones will be made at a later date.
  • In a question answered for #WordWeavers, the Child says that he thinks his Dad is "no fun" since all his Dad talks about how rude the Angel is. He's starting to prefer the Angel, as the Angel helps him build things (ex. The Rocket).

Sprite sheets[]


Screenshot 2023-01-12 2.31.37 PM

On January 28, 2020, player_03 streamed the beginning process of creating the Dream Sequence. It would be updated in a later stream on January 31.

Run 1
Run 2
Run 3
Runner (SkierJack-O-Lantern) • Skater (Ice Skater) • LizardChild (Ghost) • BunnyGentlemanDuplicatorPastafarian (Pirate) • StudentAngel