Run Wikia
Cutscene Transcript


This is a transcript of the cutscene Conspiracy.


Location: New Tunnel, part 9                       Characters: Duplicator,Child

DuplicatorFront (Faces the Child) So! Let's review what we know.

ChildFront What we know about what?

DuplicatorFront About the conspiracy, of course.

ChildFront What conpiracy?

DuplicatorFront You mean you haven't noticed?

(Hologram of the Skater appears)

DuplicatorFront (Turns away) Consider the Skater. What does he do?

ChildFront He skates around really fast. He never stops except to sleep I guess.

DuplicatorFront Does that sound like fun to you?

ChildFront Maybe?

DuplicatorFront No, it sounds like a job.

DuplicatorFront (Looks out into space) Clearly, the Skater is the messenger for the group.

ChildFront I never saw him messenging for anyone.

DuplicatorFront You probably missed it.

(Hologram of Pastafarian appears)

DuplicatorFront (Turns back to face the Child) Now let's talk about the Pastafarian! What do we know about her?

ChildFront Sometimes she tells you what you should do. Sometimes she tells you about the Spaghetti Monster.

DuplicatorFront (Turns away) Scaring people into submission. Classic.

(Hologram of the Gentleman appears)

ChildFront Is the Gentleman part of it?

DuplicatorFront (Turns back to face the Child) Absolutely! He's the official conspiracy treasurer.

ChildFront The official what?

DuplicatorFront He keeps track of everyone's money.

ChildFront (Pulls his balloon down to eye level) How do you know he's the treasure? Just 'cause he loves batteries?

DuplicatorFront (Turns around) Well, yeah. Who else would it be?

DuplicatorFront Wait... This means they put a very greedy person in charge of their money.

ChildFront That's bad?

DuplicatorFront Yeah: for them. It's great news for us!

DuplicatorFront (Whispering) We need to capitalize on this, if you'll excuse the pun.

(Hologram of the Angel appears)

DuplicatorFront Ok, next is the Angel.

ChildFront He's mean and he wants to go home. I don't like him.

DuplicatorFront Splitting up? That's unusual for a conspiracy.

ChildFront (Gets his balloon string tangled in his antennae) I heard he works at the Factory...

DuplicatorFront Aha! He's a government agent! And probably an engineer. That explains everything!

(Hologram of the Runner appears)

ChildFront (Gets the string untangled) The Runner can't be in the conspirspacy.

DuplicatorFront (Turns back to face the Child) She can, and she is.

ChildFront She's too nice for that.

DuplicatorFront (Turns away) It's a ploy to make people do what she says.

ChildFront Ploy?

DuplicatorFront A trick.

ChildFront Being nice is a trick?

DuplicatorFront Yes.

(Hologram of the Student appears)

DuplicatorFront Have you found out anything about the Student?

ChildFront Not really. She just sort of sits around most of the time.

ChildFront She says she's doing science, but she doesn't even have a clipboard.

DuplicatorFront (Turns back to face the Child) Good observation! That's exactly the sort of clue we need.

DuplicatorFront Ok, your next job is to figure out what the Student's really up to.

ChildFront Dad?

DuplicatorFront Yes?

ChildFront I don't wanna play a game where the Runner's a bad guy.

DuplicatorFront What? This isn't a game. Recognizing conspiracies is a vital life skill.

Previous: "Self Assembly"

Next: "My Turn"
