Run Wikia
Cutscene Transcript


Insanity is the 6th cutscene in the game Run 3, 5th if not counting the optional cutscene Batteries. This is a minor cutscene.


After beating Level M-5, a cutscene will begin in which the Duplicator is watching the Runner's attempts to reach a tunnel in the distance. She jumps many times to try to reach it, but fell short each time. The Duplicator asks the Runner if she knows what they say about going insane, because he thinks that the Runner is doing the same thing again and again while expecting a different outcome. The Runner responds that she is not doing the same thing before jumping off the edge. When she respawns, the Runner notices that the Duplicator drew on her map.

He tells the Runner that it is a picture of her to "commemorate this moment" so they'll always remember when she went crazy. The Runner is surprised, but she ignores him and jumps again, this time successfully reaching the next tunnel by going outside the tunnel and reentering to get more distance.

After the cutscene is finished, the player will start The River, part 1 (Which is Level F-1) with whichever character they used last. However, next time the map is viewed, the player can see that a badly drawn image of the Runner sticking her tongue out had been drawn near the gap between Level M-5 and The River, part 1. Clicking on this drawing will initiate the cutscene again at any time.

For those who may not know, The River is actually the F-Tunnel, its name changed by the Child after the completion of this tunnel.


  • Strangely, the Runner doesn't seem to have brought her map along when she is doing her final jump.