Run Wikia
Run Wikia


This is Level 5 of the N-Tunnel in Run 3.

Suggested Characters: SkierFront RunnerFront StudentFront


The most desirable character for this level is the Skier (the Runner's winter costume) due to her lower speed. As you can see from the picture, you require consecutive short jumps in different directions. The Skier starts very slow, but can still make the very first jump. When the Skier gets too fast, you can glide over a one tiles gap and you will slow down. If you haven't beaten the Winter Games (we hope you have), you can buy the costume in the shop for 500 power cells, or you could use the Runner, but this is slightly harder. There are many twists and turns you have to make to beat this level.

The Student, just like stated in the Infinite Mode trivia, is the least athletic; slow, not very maneuverable, terrible jump, but makes up with it for her gravity flipping. You can use her to navigate easily down the level.



Run 3 Level N-5 Walkthrough
