This level is hard!
This level is rather difficult. It can challenge veteran players and most beginners cannot finish this level. Most players consider it to be a hard level. Even elite players may have trouble beating this in one attempt. Good luck, and don't try this in your home universe. |
This is Level 8 of the N-Tunnel in Run 3.
If you have the Skier, use her to beat this level. Normally with a spiral level like this, the Runner is fine, but the Conveyor tiles can easily make you spin out of control. Even worse, the winding path is narrow and you don't have much leeway for your turns. But, all you have to do is follow the spiralling path to the end of the level, and there's not much strategy. You will need to make quite a few short jumps though.
If you haven't got the Skier, use the Runner. The gameplay method is the same, except that it is harder and faster. You can try to keep jumping, so that your speed is slowed to a minimum, which means your maneuverability is increased to maximum. In this case, you may be able to make it out of the spiral more easily.
Optical Illusion[]
Similar to many spiraling levels, the tunnel seems to spiral inward. This is also seen on Level 20 and Level 59.
In this wiki, the challenge of doing this level with the Skater without jumping was brought up by Random Pro. It is extremely difficult.