Run Wikia
Run Wikia


Spiral Staircase is an Achievement in Run 3.

Suggested Characters: PastafarianFront DuplicatorFront LizardFront


You can beat this with the Pastafarian by using her light bridge to your advantage. Try to stay on the light bridge to strengthen it, along with avoid the crumbling tiles/

The Duplicator is also compatible with this achievement since his duplicates can survive if you plummet into the void.

You can also easily get this achievement with Lizard and Runner because of their high maneuverability.

For laughs and giggles, you can achieve this with the Gentleman without actually doing the achievement in the intended way. Jump before entering the level, then use power cells to glide across the whole thing. You will still get the achievement.

Note that if you bought the box upgrade, you can run into them, slow down, and finish the level easier.

