Run Wikia
Run Wikia
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The City is the main location of civilization on the Planet that was founded by the Founder. Apparently, something about the model of the City is a blatant lie to prevent spoilers.


The City shown in player_03's livestream.


Here are descriptions of each point of interest in the City, so far.


Many buildings are grouped up on two sides of the City. Most of them ranging from green, pink, blue, red, and some shade of yellow. They come in many sizes, too. Climbing the buildings appears to be a common activity. Currently, the City is being redesigned by player. The current goal is cubes: resembling Run 2's level structure, especially Escape. Each house can be decorated, and connect easily.

The Park[]

In one part of the City, there's a small park with several trees. You could fly a kite or relax.

The Podium[]

Right across from the Park, there's a podium. It can be used to deliver a speech to a crowd of people.

(A/The) Marketplace[]


An area where merchants can sell and trade goods with other people. Batteries are probably its accepted currency.

The City Library[]

While likely not shown in the streams (the Tiger drawing COULD be the Library, or it could be just a house, likely the Storyteller's), Player has confirmed it's somewhere in the City. As expected, it contains bookshelves, most of which felines may like to climb on.

The Museum[]

A large building which contains a model of the water cycle spanning multiple rooms.

Minor Locales[]

Areas that don't appear in streams, but are mentioned in cutscenes or in Infinite Mode trivia.

The Trade Fair[]

Mentioned in Can't Wait, it seems to have many games to play and win tokens for goodies.

The Hospital[]

Mentioned in Fame, it takes care of injured patients.

A School[]

Mentioned in Truancy and indirectly in Fame, students attend here for an education. Some might enjoy it and others find it boring.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster[]

A church for those who believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. While the group who attend it is small, they are lead by the Pastafarian.

The Factory[]

A building where items are produced. The Angel had an important position as an engineer there, but probably lost it by now.

The Hall of Records[]

Described to have quite an unpleasant aura to it, with various itching powders and awful air flow, it is seemingly used to find records on citizens, and fill out forms to change name.
