Run Wikia
Run Wikia


There are many different types of levels in Run 3 and Run 2. This is a list of all the types of levels. (Basically their layouts and shapes)

Run 3[]

Holes in tunnel[]

Suggested Characters: RunnerFront PastafarianFront DuplicatorFront

This type of level appears a lot in the earlier levels. Basically, it is a classic tunnel with lots of holes in it, making it easy and good for beginners. Since these levels tend to be easy, any character can be used, however the Runner, Duplicator, and Pastafarian are good options, since the Runner has great maneuverability and can avoid the holes easily, and the other two have abillities that help them avoid falling into the holes. This level type does not appear in Run 2.


Jumping along small platforms[]

Suggested Characters: ChildFront RunnerFront StudentFront

Some types of levels are jumping across platforms instead of navigating through holes, you jump across platforms. In this level type, you jump across small-sized platforms. They usually range from 1-10 tiles large, though it may vary in cases of extreme sizes of tiles. Good options for these levels include the Child due to his long jumping distance, the Runner due to her maneuverability and the Student for her precision.


Jumping along medium (size) platforms[]

Suggested Characters: PastafarianFront RunnerFront

In this type of level, you jump across platforms with a medium size. The platforms are usually about 10-20 tiles in size, though it may vary in cases of extreme sizes of tiles. In general, all characters are good on these levels.


Jumping along large platforms[]

Suggested Characters: BunnyFront SkierFront DuplicatorFront

In this level type, the player jumps across platforms that are quite large. The platforms are about 20-30 tiles in size, though it may vary in cases of extreme tile sizes. Generally speaking, all characters are good here, but the Bunny, Skier and Duplicator shine since the Bunny can use the long platforms to ramp up its jumping power, the Skier can gain speed on the platforms and the Duplicator can make more duplicates.



Suggested Characters: LizardFront RunnerFront

In those levels, there is a path that winds around the level, often forking into multiple paths, like a snake. There are often a few or dozen snakes in the level, entwining within each other. There are also occasions where snakes are made up of Crumbling tiles, increasing the difficulty of the level. All characters are good in Snake levels except the Child, because of his low maneuverability, but the Lizard shines due to its high jump height and maneuverability.



Suggested Characters: RunnerFront PastafarianFront

What is a Hybrid? Hybrid is for levels with two or more features of different types, and it is hard to define which type it is, since there are two or more types that can be selected due to its special qualities. Hybrids can also be unique levels that cannot fall into any other category.



Suggested Characters: RunnerFront LizardFront StudentFront

Those levels are spiral that goes side to side. The Skater is not the character for these levels, due to his low maneuverability. However, he can sometimes jump over the gaps. The Child is a bad choice too. This type of level can easily be recognized since it looks like a spiral indeed. Good characters for these are the Runner, Student, and Lizard. This is seen on Level 20, Level 59, Level N-8 and Coordination Challenge 6.



Suggested Characters: BunnyFront PastafarianFront StudentFront

Those levels are made out of lots of rings, forcing you to jump repeatedly. Most of the time, they are made out of Normal tiles, though occasionally other types of tiles are present. Characters with high maneuverability are much better than characters with low maneuverability on Ringed levels, so avoid using the Skater or Child, since they have such long jumps that they usually overshoot the rings and fall.


Jumping along narrow platforms[]

Suggested Characters: SkaterFront StudentFront BunnyFront

These levels have many long and narrow platforms or short and wide platforms, forcing you to jump repeatedly or run to the edge before jumping. The Student is a good choice as she is precise, the Bunny as it can bounce across the narrow platforms, and the Skater due to the fact that overshooting is difficult with him. Characters with high precision and/or high maneuverability are helpful, in case you need to bail out of a jump. Avoid using the Duplicator and Gentleman as they are clumsy and imprecise. This type of level is difficult to recognise, but tend to be hard.


Run 2[]

Some level types are exclusive to Run 2.

Surrounding walls[]

In this type of level, walls surround the player, forcing them to constantly change gravity. The difference between this and spiral is that spiral is more round in shape and in this type, it is just square walls that surround the player.

Examples: First contact (with a wall), Tricky

Stepping stones[]

This level is a Jumping across platforms level, but the platforms are square-shaped and very close to each other.

Examples: Meet the Rectangular Platforms, Feeling Jumpy?

2 layers[]

This level has 2 layers of ground space, one above the other. So far, there is only one level of that type.

Example(s): Scribbles

Straight line[]

This level type is literally a straight line so there is no point of moving sideways unless you're trying to get the bonus. Currently there is only one level of this type which is sandbox, so there is no point of jumping other than for the bonus.bonus.

Example(s): straightforward (...sorry)

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