Run Wikia


This page will list all upcoming content in Run 3. Note: there is no guarantee anything here will be used unless we mention it is confirmed.

  • 8 New Explore Mode levels: There are 298 published Run 3 levels, yet on the Kongregate leaderboard for "Most Explore levels beat", Player 03 (the maker of Run 3) has a high score of 306. This suggests that more levels have been made, yet not released. These will include Plan C, part 16, Level C-6 and Level H-5. However, we know that Plan C will have 22 levels and the H-Tunnel will have 9 levels. The H-Tunnel will lead to 3 new tunnels. Those are the P-Tunnel which is 10 levels long, the J-Tunnel which is 6 levels long, and the K-Tunnel which is 8 levels long. Also, Level C-6 will lead to The Runway, which is 19 levels long and split into two sections like Plan C. The first part is 11 levels long and the second part is 8 levels long.
  • New Tile Types (under consideration): On the Suggestions page of this wiki, suggestions for "Moving tiles", "Glass tiles" and "Conveyor ramps" were marked by Player 03 as "Under Consideration", so they may be added in the future.
  • Wind Sailor: There is believed to be another thing called Wind Sailor planned, due to Player 03's insistence that the achievement's page name be Wind Sailor (achievement) instead of Wind Sailor.
  • Reduced Character Costs: Player 03 has mentioned that the characters' unlock costs are too expensive
  • Easier Way to earn power cells: Player 03 has plans to make it easier to earn power cells. We have no clue how though.
  • More Costumes: Player 03 has mentioned there may be more costumes, but only if he thinks of good ideas for them. Several costumes have been suggested by editors of this wiki, including a Devil costume for the Angel, a King costume for the Gentleman, and a Zombie costume for the Duplicator.
  • Runaway: Player 03's status says he is working on something called Runaway. This was later confirmed to mean "Run" and "Away3D".
  • Achievements for custom levels:      Player mentioned on discord he wanted to do this for awhile but hasn't been able to when it was suggested to him 