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Run Wikia


8 all unexpected double murder..Will anyone make it?


Jester(confessional):" hell."

Pastafairan:"Be right back..need to vomit."

She hurried off to the bathroom.. then they heard vomiting from the bathroom.

Soldier:"I'll go check on her-"


Everyone jumped back in surprise hearing the roar. They ran over to the window to see what's going on. 

Sailor:"Oh dear God."

Duplicator:"That's..a big beast."

Pastafairan(confessional):"Was not expecting a dino the second I came out off the bathroom."

Knight gestured them all away from the window and they sat down. 

Galaxian:"I guess that's our next challenge.?"


Galaxian(confessional):"Welp. We are dead."

Writer picked up a note and read it:

"The dinosaurs pit has been vandalized.  You will all because it's next meal if you don't dig up it's wife's bones. Good luck."​​​​​​

Pastafairan(confessional):"Aw..Poor Dino.."

They went outside and followed the map written on the back of the note. They stopped at a pit off water that looked extremely deep.

Writer (confessional):"Please tell me the bones aren't down there.."

​​​​​​There was another note on the shore,Pasta picked it up and read it:

"Bones in the water. There are 8 bones in it..dive down and grab one bone each and piece them back together."

Writer(confessional):"Damn it."

Jester:"What about the people who can't swim..?"

Knight:"Ok..Raise hands if you can't swim or if you have aquaphobia."

Writer, Jester, and Duplicator raised their hands. 

Duplicator:"Don't ask how I taught Child how to swim."

Galaxian:"I am mildly curious."

Knight gave some sort of hose to the three.

Knight:"Tie this around your waist and if you need air or you want to get out..pull on it."

Soldier jumped in first, knowing to gently blow through her nose because it can make her go longer without air. She felt around at the bottom and swam up holding a arm.

Soldier:"Got it!"

She sat it on the ground and put back on her jacket. Sailor jumped in next, swimming quickly and opening his eye to look. He grabbed a piece of a leg and swam up. 

Sailor(confessional):"I forgotten how much I loved swimming.. hopefully I can do it again when this is all over.."

Writer,just holding on to the hose,hopped in the water and tried to think of happy thoughts. Like she's just gently floating in space. She held on to the bone and was about to come up when..She passed out.

Writer(confessional):"Forgot to mention..I faint at random times. And this happens to be the time.'

Knight:"Ok it's been too long I'm pulling her out."

He pulled on the hose and saw her, unconscious but it didn't look like she drowned. He pulled her on the shore and laid her on the ground.

Soldier:"She's ok.. just passed out from something."

Galaxian, Jester, Pastafairan, and Fashionista had already jumped in and retrieved their bones and it was now Duplicator's turn. It was going ok at first until..

The hose gotten caught on a rock. He couldn't swim up to breathe and he tugged on the hose. It didn't get unstuck and he was already beginning to inhale water from panicking. 

Duplicator(confessional):"I'm down there and I'm silently screaming for someone to come help because I'm stuck on a rock."

His lungs were burning and he felt himself gagging on water. He lost consciousness as he tightened his grip on the bone.

Sailor:"That's it I'm going in..You can't get it unstuck Knight."

He jumped in, swimming quickly because Duplicator might die if he stops swimming. He gotten to him and quickly untied the hose. He swam up and pulled him on the shore. 

Sailor(confessional):"I'm pumping on his chest several times, making sure I get the water out of his system because I'm afraid he's probably already dead."

Duplicator's breathing had gotten steady again when Sailor laid him on a blanket. 

Knight:"Ok.. Time for the challenge..the first person going into the challenge is..The Entertainer."

Jester:"Dang it.."

Knight:"The second..The Interviewer."


He led them away when the others wished them luck. They both stopped at a pit filled with blood.

Knight:"Find a brain,lung, and heart..and the Victor will hopefully go unharmed..while the other will be devoured by the dinosaur."

Jester(confessional):"I don't want either of us to become a snack to Godzilla over there."

Knight:"And begin!!"

They both ran into the pit, looking for those organs. Both manage to get a heart and Jester gets a lung. Writer.. Just picks up Dino doodoo.

Writer (confessional):"Hopefully I can tame the dino when I lose because I'm definitely losing this.."

Jester sadly puts the final organ on his side. The Dinosaur looks at Writer and starts walking towards her.

Jester:"Writer I'm sorry!"

Writer:"No...stay..good dinosaur..oh God no!"

She tries climbing out of the pit and falls to the ground. The dinosaur is on her in seconds and starts devouring her. Her screaming is unbearable to hear.

Jester (confessional):'All I can hear is Her screaming bloody murder because the girl's being eaten alive! This is horrible.."

Knight leads a distraught Jester away from the area and back inside off the room.

Jester:'I couldn't watch was too awful.."

He puts in the key and sits down crying. Duplicator begins to wake up as Jester sobs.

Galaxian:"We're never getting out aren't we."

End of Chapter 5.