Run Wikia
Run Wikia

I was waiting outside of school while waiting for my mom. That's when I started to love skating as I skated around the sidewalk.


Waitress:"Hey Skater!"

I skated over to her and hugged her giggling.

"Hey Mom!"

Waitress:"Wanna skate home?"

"Of course!"

She smiled as we started skating home. I laughed seeing the big buildings and lakes. My 8 year old self loved doing this..and I still love it.

"Hey Mom?"


"How'd you meet dad?"

She smiled thinking of it.

Waitress:"I met him in a skating rink. We have always wanted to travel the world..but unfortunately then we were so busy with college.."

"Maybe I can travel around the planet?.."

Waitress:"Ok.. I'll support you if you do son.. just be careful ok?"

"I will!"

She hugged me and we finished walking home. A few years pass..with me now 11. The freshest memory of that year was when I gotten hit by a car. I had already traveled about half of it and met so many people..I looked up to this woman named the Cartographer,who basically designed the city.

???:"Look out!"


Massive pain struck my body as the truck hit me in the stomach. I went sliding down a sewer grate, covering my face to make sure rubble doesn't hit it. I landed in a swallow river,but I had gotten the sewage in my mouth as I swam up coughing and crying in pain. I crawled on the concrete crying weakly as I called for help.


I looked at my injuries and threw up. My stomach was bleeding,my legs have rumble impaled in them, and my head had a huge cut in it. I blacked out for.. probably 3 days. I woke up in the hospital with my parents sitting there panicking.


Waitress:"We're here.. don't worry Skater.."

"How long was I out..?"

Lumberjack:"3 days.. you were stuck in the sewer grate for 2 days when they found you."

Nothing really changed after that..I had to stay home for 3 months because of the surgeries. But that's the only thing they made me do..I still have the scarring. I finally traveled the world around 14 when I spotted an odd tunnel leading to space. I went in..and began a long experience I'll never forget.