Run Wikia

"What do you mean "Send me back in the tunnels?!"

Chemist:"Well..they searched your bag that was somehow intact from the fall..and they found some pretty interesting stuff."

"What sort of stuff..?"

Chemist:"Well..the notebook you wrote in for years,a contraction that looks pretty useful for moving around,and a floating orb."

"That's some of the stuff that was in the tunnels.."

Chemist:"That's kind of why they're debating on sending you back. They want to gather more details about what's in there problem..The President would pull his hair out if he did find out."

"Now that you've brought that up..Why build the tunnels if he's just going to forbid people from entering..?"

Chemist:"Maybe there's something he's maybe a cover-up? Or a series of murders? Or maybe he's just a bored old grouch."

That does makes sense a bit..if you build a tunnel and forbid people from entering.. you're just asking to be ignored. That barrier wasn't very high to begin with.

"Can I have my regular clothes back please?..This hospital gown is giving me a rash.."

Chemist:"Ok! Be right back!"

He walked off, leaving me alone in the small room. I looked at the walls, which were painted a nice lilac color. There was a small window,but it was too high for any person with a short build to reach. It looks to be around nighttime,which means I probably landed here in the afternoon..or something like that. Chemist came back carrying some clothes.

Chemist:"Here you go! Sorry about your jacket,some of the blood didn't come off.."

"It's perfectly fine! I'm used to seeing blood anyways.."

Chemist:"Which reminds me..why is your jacket covered in blood in the first place? Particularly the sleeves."

"Um.. just tripped and fell. Bye!!"

Chemist:"Oh..ok bye-"

I shut the door on him and changed into my regular clothes, Deciding to leave the jacket off and tying it around my waist because the cuts were covered by the bandages anyways..and it was warm out. I then saw something being slid out from under the door.

???:"Here's your notebook.. thought you might want it back."

"Ok..thank you."

I picked up the notebook and,bored out of my mind,began to read it. I turned to one of my favorite pages and smiled a little as I read it. 

"Hello notebook! Welcome to day #567 in space! I still have no clue who that voice is still but..I can say it's been a pretty good day. I'm just going to admit it.. Runner is the best mom i couldve ever asked for! Even though we are not related in the slightest.. she's helped me with so much..when I was in a bad state of mind one day..she came by and let me talk to her about it. I wish I could say my actual mom helps me with my mental health the same way. Well,going to explore now,bye!"

*Knock knock*

I turned my head towards the door hearing the knock.



" ok...?"

???:"Just open the door please."

I walked over to the door and, holding the razor I had hidden in my hair tie, opened it. It was Skater.

Skater:"Hey ok?.."

"Yeah..are you?"

Skater:"Well, don't know where the others are, they're in a different facility..but I'm ok.."

"Where did you land after you fell?.."

Skater:"I landed on someone's roof..was a pretty funny and terrifying situation to deal"

"Well..I landed in the ocean."

Skater:"Oh god. What happened after that..?"

"Well,I can't swim,so you can guess how that went.."

He sighed and told me something..



Skater:"Well..I have to tell you something..and you're not going to like it."

"Is it about being sent back in?"

Skater:"How did you know about that..?"

"Was told a few hours ago."

Skater:"Are we really going to agree to this?.."

???:"You don't have a choice.."

And that voice confirmed it.

End of Chapter 3.
